zendash - Admin Dashboard HTML Template


Summernote uses the Open Source libraries jQuery and Bootstrap,General Summernote Form Editor HTML structure in Zendash template.

<!-- Internal wysiwyag js -->
<script src="../../assets/plugins/wysiwyag/jquery.richtext.js"></script>
<script src="../../assets/js/form-editor.js"></script>

Type URL
Plugin Link https://www.jqueryscript.net/demo/Rich-Text-Editor-jQuery-RichText/
Quill Editor

Quill is a free, open source WYSIWYG editor built for the modern web. With its modular architecture and expressive API, it is completely customizable to fit any need .General Quill Editor HTML structure in Zendash template.

1. You need to add these files to make it work.
<!-- Internal Quill js -->
<script src="../../assets/plugins/quill/quill.min.js"></script>

<!-- Internal Form-editor js -->
<script src="../../assets/js/form-editor2.js"></script>


Open form-wizard.js file (assets/js/form-wizard.js) You can see below js

	var quill = new Quill('#quillEditor', {
		modules: {
			toolbar: toolbarOptions
		theme: 'snow'

Type URL
Plugin Link https://quilljs.com/
Quill Inline-Edit Editor

General Quill Inline-Edit Editor HTML structure in Zendash template.

1. You need to add these files to make it work.
<!-- Internal Quill js -->
<script src="../../assets/plugins/quill/quill.min.js"></script>

<!-- Internal Form-editor js -->
<script src="../../assets/js/form-editor2.js"></script>


Open form-editor.js file (assets/js/form-editor.js.js) You can see below js

var quillInline = new Quill('#quillInline', {
	modules: {
		toolbar: toolbarInlineOptions
	bounds: '#quillInline',
	scrollingContainer: '#scrolling-container',
	placeholder: 'Write something...',
	theme: 'bubble'

///// PerfectScrollbar for scrolling

new PerfectScrollbar('#scrolling-container', {
	suppressScrollX: true