generator = $generator; } /** * Add an order for the generation of $number records for $entity. * * @param mixed $entity A Propel ActiveRecord classname, or a \Faker\ORM\Propel\EntityPopulator instance * @param int $number The number of entities to populate */ public function addEntity($entity, $number, $customColumnFormatters = [], $customModifiers = []) { if (!$entity instanceof \Faker\ORM\Propel\EntityPopulator) { $entity = new \Faker\ORM\Propel\EntityPopulator($entity); } $entity->setColumnFormatters($entity->guessColumnFormatters($this->generator)); if ($customColumnFormatters) { $entity->mergeColumnFormattersWith($customColumnFormatters); } $entity->setModifiers($entity->guessModifiers($this->generator)); if ($customModifiers) { $entity->mergeModifiersWith($customModifiers); } $class = $entity->getClass(); $this->entities[$class] = $entity; $this->quantities[$class] = $number; } /** * Populate the database using all the Entity classes previously added. * * @param PropelPDO $con A Propel connection object * * @return array A list of the inserted PKs */ public function execute($con = null) { if (null === $con) { $con = $this->getConnection(); } $isInstancePoolingEnabled = \Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled(); \Propel::disableInstancePooling(); $insertedEntities = []; $con->beginTransaction(); foreach ($this->quantities as $class => $number) { for ($i = 0; $i < $number; ++$i) { $insertedEntities[$class][] = $this->entities[$class]->execute($con, $insertedEntities); } } $con->commit(); if ($isInstancePoolingEnabled) { \Propel::enableInstancePooling(); } return $insertedEntities; } protected function getConnection() { // use the first connection available $class = key($this->entities); if (!$class) { throw new \RuntimeException('No class found from entities. Did you add entities to the Populator ?'); } $peer = $class::PEER; return \Propel::getConnection($peer::DATABASE_NAME, \Propel::CONNECTION_WRITE); } }