'01', 'AR' => '02', 'AG' => '03', 'B' => '40', 'BC' => '04', 'BH' => '05', 'BN' => '06', 'BT' => '07', 'BV' => '08', 'BR' => '09', 'BZ' => '10', 'CS' => '11', 'CL' => '51', 'CJ' => '12', 'CT' => '13', 'CV' => '14', 'DB' => '15', 'DJ' => '16', 'GL' => '17', 'GR' => '52', 'GJ' => '18', 'HR' => '19', 'HD' => '20', 'IL' => '21', 'IS' => '22', 'IF' => '23', 'MM' => '24', 'MH' => '25', 'MS' => '26', 'NT' => '27', 'OT' => '28', 'PH' => '29', 'SM' => '30', 'SJ' => '31', 'SB' => '32', 'SV' => '33', 'TR' => '34', 'TM' => '35', 'TL' => '36', 'VS' => '37', 'VL' => '38', 'VN' => '39', 'B1' => '41', 'B2' => '42', 'B3' => '43', 'B4' => '44', 'B5' => '45', 'B6' => '46', ]; /** * Personal Numerical Code (CNP) * * @see http://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cod_numeric_personal * * @example 1111111111118 * * @param string|null $gender Person::GENDER_MALE or Person::GENDER_FEMALE * @param string|null $dateOfBirth (1800-2099) 'Y-m-d', 'Y-m', 'Y' I.E. '1981-06-16', '2085-03', '1900' * @param string|null $county county code where the CNP was issued * @param bool|null $isResident flag if the person resides in Romania * * @return string 13 digits CNP code */ public function cnp($gender = null, $dateOfBirth = null, $county = null, $isResident = true) { $genders = [Person::GENDER_MALE, Person::GENDER_FEMALE]; if (empty($gender)) { $gender = static::randomElement($genders); } elseif (!in_array($gender, $genders, false)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Gender must be '{Person::GENDER_MALE}' or '{Person::GENDER_FEMALE}'"); } $date = $this->getDateOfBirth($dateOfBirth); if (null === $county) { $countyCode = static::randomElement(array_values(static::$cnpCountyCodes)); } elseif (!array_key_exists($county, static::$cnpCountyCodes)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid county code '{$county}' received"); } else { $countyCode = static::$cnpCountyCodes[$county]; } $cnp = (string) $this->getGenderDigit($date, $gender, $isResident) . $date->format('ymd') . $countyCode . static::numerify('##%') ; $checksum = $this->getChecksumDigit($cnp); return $cnp . $checksum; } /** * @param string|null $dateOfBirth * * @return \DateTime */ protected function getDateOfBirth($dateOfBirth) { if (empty($dateOfBirth)) { $dateOfBirthParts = [self::numberBetween(1800, 2099)]; } else { $dateOfBirthParts = explode('-', $dateOfBirth); } $baseDate = \Faker\Provider\DateTime::dateTimeBetween("first day of January {$dateOfBirthParts[0]}", "last day of December {$dateOfBirthParts[0]}"); switch (count($dateOfBirthParts)) { case 1: $dateOfBirthParts[] = $baseDate->format('m'); //don't break, we need the day also // no break case 2: $dateOfBirthParts[] = $baseDate->format('d'); //don't break, next line will // no break case 3: break; default: throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid date of birth - must be null or in the 'Y-m-d', 'Y-m', 'Y' format"); } if ($dateOfBirthParts[0] < 1800 || $dateOfBirthParts[0] > 2099) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid date of birth - year must be between 1800 and 2099, '{$dateOfBirthParts[0]}' received"); } $dateOfBirthFinal = implode('-', $dateOfBirthParts); $date = \DateTime::createFromFormat('Y-m-d', $dateOfBirthFinal); //a full (invalid) date might have been supplied, check if it converts if ($date->format('Y-m-d') !== $dateOfBirthFinal) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Invalid date of birth - '{$date->format('Y-m-d')}' generated based on '{$dateOfBirth}' received"); } return $date; } /** * https://ro.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cod_numeric_personal#S * * @param bool $isResident * @param string $gender * * @return int */ protected static function getGenderDigit(\DateTime $dateOfBirth, $gender, $isResident) { if (!$isResident) { return 9; } if ($dateOfBirth->format('Y') < 1900) { if ($gender == Person::GENDER_MALE) { return 3; } return 4; } if ($dateOfBirth->format('Y') < 2000) { if ($gender == Person::GENDER_MALE) { return 1; } return 2; } if ($gender == Person::GENDER_MALE) { return 5; } return 6; } /** * Calculates a checksum for the Personal Numerical Code (CNP). * * @param string $value 12 digit CNP * * @return int checksum digit */ protected function getChecksumDigit($value) { $checkNumber = 279146358279; $checksum = 0; foreach (range(0, 11) as $digit) { $checksum += (int) substr($value, $digit, 1) * (int) substr($checkNumber, $digit, 1); } $checksum = $checksum % 11; return $checksum == 10 ? 1 : $checksum; } }