pusher = $pusher; } /** * Resolve the authenticated user payload for an incoming connection request. * * See: https://pusher.com/docs/channels/library_auth_reference/auth-signatures/#user-authentication * See: https://pusher.com/docs/channels/server_api/authenticating-users/#response * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return array|null */ public function resolveAuthenticatedUser($request) { if (! $user = parent::resolveAuthenticatedUser($request)) { return; } if (method_exists($this->pusher, 'authenticateUser')) { return $this->pusher->authenticateUser($request->socket_id, $user); } $settings = $this->pusher->getSettings(); $encodedUser = json_encode($user); $decodedString = "{$request->socket_id}::user::{$encodedUser}"; $auth = $settings['auth_key'].':'.hash_hmac( 'sha256', $decodedString, $settings['secret'] ); return [ 'auth' => $auth, 'user_data' => $encodedUser, ]; } /** * Authenticate the incoming request for a given channel. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return mixed * * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\AccessDeniedHttpException */ public function auth($request) { $channelName = $this->normalizeChannelName($request->channel_name); if (empty($request->channel_name) || ($this->isGuardedChannel($request->channel_name) && ! $this->retrieveUser($request, $channelName))) { throw new AccessDeniedHttpException; } return parent::verifyUserCanAccessChannel( $request, $channelName ); } /** * Return the valid authentication response. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param mixed $result * @return mixed */ public function validAuthenticationResponse($request, $result) { if (str_starts_with($request->channel_name, 'private')) { return $this->decodePusherResponse( $request, method_exists($this->pusher, 'authorizeChannel') ? $this->pusher->authorizeChannel($request->channel_name, $request->socket_id) : $this->pusher->socket_auth($request->channel_name, $request->socket_id) ); } $channelName = $this->normalizeChannelName($request->channel_name); $user = $this->retrieveUser($request, $channelName); $broadcastIdentifier = method_exists($user, 'getAuthIdentifierForBroadcasting') ? $user->getAuthIdentifierForBroadcasting() : $user->getAuthIdentifier(); return $this->decodePusherResponse( $request, method_exists($this->pusher, 'authorizePresenceChannel') ? $this->pusher->authorizePresenceChannel($request->channel_name, $request->socket_id, $broadcastIdentifier, $result) : $this->pusher->presence_auth($request->channel_name, $request->socket_id, $broadcastIdentifier, $result) ); } /** * Decode the given Pusher response. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @param mixed $response * @return array */ protected function decodePusherResponse($request, $response) { if (! $request->input('callback', false)) { return json_decode($response, true); } return response()->json(json_decode($response, true)) ->withCallback($request->callback); } /** * Broadcast the given event. * * @param array $channels * @param string $event * @param array $payload * @return void * * @throws \Illuminate\Broadcasting\BroadcastException */ public function broadcast(array $channels, $event, array $payload = []) { $socket = Arr::pull($payload, 'socket'); $parameters = $socket !== null ? ['socket_id' => $socket] : []; $channels = Collection::make($this->formatChannels($channels)); try { $channels->chunk(100)->each(function ($channels) use ($event, $payload, $parameters) { $this->pusher->trigger($channels->toArray(), $event, $payload, $parameters); }); } catch (ApiErrorException $e) { throw new BroadcastException( sprintf('Pusher error: %s.', $e->getMessage()) ); } } /** * Get the Pusher SDK instance. * * @return \Pusher\Pusher */ public function getPusher() { return $this->pusher; } /** * Set the Pusher SDK instance. * * @param \Pusher\Pusher $pusher * @return void */ public function setPusher($pusher) { $this->pusher = $pusher; } }