OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERBOSE, 'vv' => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_VERY_VERBOSE, 'vvv' => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_DEBUG, 'quiet' => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_QUIET, 'normal' => OutputInterface::VERBOSITY_NORMAL, ]; /** * Determine if the given argument is present. * * @param string|int $name * @return bool */ public function hasArgument($name) { return $this->input->hasArgument($name); } /** * Get the value of a command argument. * * @param string|null $key * @return array|string|bool|null */ public function argument($key = null) { if (is_null($key)) { return $this->input->getArguments(); } return $this->input->getArgument($key); } /** * Get all of the arguments passed to the command. * * @return array */ public function arguments() { return $this->argument(); } /** * Determine if the given option is present. * * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function hasOption($name) { return $this->input->hasOption($name); } /** * Get the value of a command option. * * @param string|null $key * @return string|array|bool|null */ public function option($key = null) { if (is_null($key)) { return $this->input->getOptions(); } return $this->input->getOption($key); } /** * Get all of the options passed to the command. * * @return array */ public function options() { return $this->option(); } /** * Confirm a question with the user. * * @param string $question * @param bool $default * @return bool */ public function confirm($question, $default = false) { return $this->output->confirm($question, $default); } /** * Prompt the user for input. * * @param string $question * @param string|null $default * @return mixed */ public function ask($question, $default = null) { return $this->output->ask($question, $default); } /** * Prompt the user for input with auto completion. * * @param string $question * @param array|callable $choices * @param string|null $default * @return mixed */ public function anticipate($question, $choices, $default = null) { return $this->askWithCompletion($question, $choices, $default); } /** * Prompt the user for input with auto completion. * * @param string $question * @param array|callable $choices * @param string|null $default * @return mixed */ public function askWithCompletion($question, $choices, $default = null) { $question = new Question($question, $default); is_callable($choices) ? $question->setAutocompleterCallback($choices) : $question->setAutocompleterValues($choices); return $this->output->askQuestion($question); } /** * Prompt the user for input but hide the answer from the console. * * @param string $question * @param bool $fallback * @return mixed */ public function secret($question, $fallback = true) { $question = new Question($question); $question->setHidden(true)->setHiddenFallback($fallback); return $this->output->askQuestion($question); } /** * Give the user a single choice from an array of answers. * * @param string $question * @param array $choices * @param string|int|null $default * @param mixed|null $attempts * @param bool $multiple * @return string|array */ public function choice($question, array $choices, $default = null, $attempts = null, $multiple = false) { $question = new ChoiceQuestion($question, $choices, $default); $question->setMaxAttempts($attempts)->setMultiselect($multiple); return $this->output->askQuestion($question); } /** * Format input to textual table. * * @param array $headers * @param \Illuminate\Contracts\Support\Arrayable|array $rows * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Helper\TableStyle|string $tableStyle * @param array $columnStyles * @return void */ public function table($headers, $rows, $tableStyle = 'default', array $columnStyles = []) { $table = new Table($this->output); if ($rows instanceof Arrayable) { $rows = $rows->toArray(); } $table->setHeaders((array) $headers)->setRows($rows)->setStyle($tableStyle); foreach ($columnStyles as $columnIndex => $columnStyle) { $table->setColumnStyle($columnIndex, $columnStyle); } $table->render(); } /** * Execute a given callback while advancing a progress bar. * * @param iterable|int $totalSteps * @param \Closure $callback * @return mixed|void */ public function withProgressBar($totalSteps, Closure $callback) { $bar = $this->output->createProgressBar( is_iterable($totalSteps) ? count($totalSteps) : $totalSteps ); $bar->start(); if (is_iterable($totalSteps)) { foreach ($totalSteps as $value) { $callback($value, $bar); $bar->advance(); } } else { $callback($bar); } $bar->finish(); if (is_iterable($totalSteps)) { return $totalSteps; } } /** * Write a string as information output. * * @param string $string * @param int|string|null $verbosity * @return void */ public function info($string, $verbosity = null) { $this->line($string, 'info', $verbosity); } /** * Write a string as standard output. * * @param string $string * @param string|null $style * @param int|string|null $verbosity * @return void */ public function line($string, $style = null, $verbosity = null) { $styled = $style ? "<$style>$string" : $string; $this->output->writeln($styled, $this->parseVerbosity($verbosity)); } /** * Write a string as comment output. * * @param string $string * @param int|string|null $verbosity * @return void */ public function comment($string, $verbosity = null) { $this->line($string, 'comment', $verbosity); } /** * Write a string as question output. * * @param string $string * @param int|string|null $verbosity * @return void */ public function question($string, $verbosity = null) { $this->line($string, 'question', $verbosity); } /** * Write a string as error output. * * @param string $string * @param int|string|null $verbosity * @return void */ public function error($string, $verbosity = null) { $this->line($string, 'error', $verbosity); } /** * Write a string as warning output. * * @param string $string * @param int|string|null $verbosity * @return void */ public function warn($string, $verbosity = null) { if (! $this->output->getFormatter()->hasStyle('warning')) { $style = new OutputFormatterStyle('yellow'); $this->output->getFormatter()->setStyle('warning', $style); } $this->line($string, 'warning', $verbosity); } /** * Write a string in an alert box. * * @param string $string * @param int|string|null $verbosity * @return void */ public function alert($string, $verbosity = null) { $length = Str::length(strip_tags($string)) + 12; $this->comment(str_repeat('*', $length), $verbosity); $this->comment('* '.$string.' *', $verbosity); $this->comment(str_repeat('*', $length), $verbosity); $this->comment('', $verbosity); } /** * Write a blank line. * * @param int $count * @return $this */ public function newLine($count = 1) { $this->output->newLine($count); return $this; } /** * Set the input interface implementation. * * @param \Symfony\Component\Console\Input\InputInterface $input * @return void */ public function setInput(InputInterface $input) { $this->input = $input; } /** * Set the output interface implementation. * * @param \Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle $output * @return void */ public function setOutput(OutputStyle $output) { $this->output = $output; } /** * Set the verbosity level. * * @param string|int $level * @return void */ protected function setVerbosity($level) { $this->verbosity = $this->parseVerbosity($level); } /** * Get the verbosity level in terms of Symfony's OutputInterface level. * * @param string|int|null $level * @return int */ protected function parseVerbosity($level = null) { if (isset($this->verbosityMap[$level])) { $level = $this->verbosityMap[$level]; } elseif (! is_int($level)) { $level = $this->verbosity; } return $level; } /** * Get the output implementation. * * @return \Illuminate\Console\OutputStyle */ public function getOutput() { return $this->output; } }