composer = $composer; } /** * Execute the console command. * * @return int */ public function handle() { $this->gatherApplicationInformation(); collect(static::$data) ->map(fn ($items) => collect($items) ->map(function ($value) { if (is_array($value)) { return [$value]; } if (is_string($value)) { $value = $this->laravel->make($value); } return collect($this->laravel->call($value)) ->map(fn ($value, $key) => [$key, $value]) ->values() ->all(); })->flatten(1) ) ->sortBy(function ($data, $key) { $index = array_search($key, ['Environment', 'Cache', 'Drivers']); return $index === false ? 99 : $index; }) ->filter(function ($data, $key) { return $this->option('only') ? in_array(Str::of($key)->lower()->snake(), $this->sections()) : true; }) ->pipe(fn ($data) => $this->display($data)); $this->newLine(); return 0; } /** * Display the application information. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection $data * @return void */ protected function display($data) { $this->option('json') ? $this->displayJson($data) : $this->displayDetail($data); } /** * Display the application information as a detail view. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection $data * @return void */ protected function displayDetail($data) { $data->each(function ($data, $section) { $this->newLine(); $this->components->twoColumnDetail(' '.$section.''); $data->pipe(fn ($data) => $section !== 'Environment' ? $data->sort() : $data)->each(function ($detail) { [$label, $value] = $detail; $this->components->twoColumnDetail($label, value($value)); }); }); } /** * Display the application information as JSON. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection $data * @return void */ protected function displayJson($data) { $output = $data->flatMap(function ($data, $section) { return [(string) Str::of($section)->snake() => $data->mapWithKeys(fn ($item, $key) => [(string) Str::of($item[0])->lower()->snake() => value($item[1])])]; }); $this->output->writeln(strip_tags(json_encode($output))); } /** * Gather information about the application. * * @return void */ protected function gatherApplicationInformation() { static::addToSection('Environment', fn () => [ 'Application Name' => config(''), 'Laravel Version' => $this->laravel->version(), 'PHP Version' => phpversion(), 'Composer Version' => $this->composer->getVersion() ?? '-', 'Environment' => $this->laravel->environment(), 'Debug Mode' => config('app.debug') ? 'ENABLED' : 'OFF', 'URL' => Str::of(config('app.url'))->replace(['http://', 'https://'], ''), 'Maintenance Mode' => $this->laravel->isDownForMaintenance() ? 'ENABLED' : 'OFF', ]); static::addToSection('Cache', fn () => [ 'Config' => $this->laravel->configurationIsCached() ? 'CACHED' : 'NOT CACHED', 'Events' => $this->laravel->eventsAreCached() ? 'CACHED' : 'NOT CACHED', 'Routes' => $this->laravel->routesAreCached() ? 'CACHED' : 'NOT CACHED', 'Views' => $this->hasPhpFiles($this->laravel->storagePath('framework/views')) ? 'CACHED' : 'NOT CACHED', ]); $logChannel = config('logging.default'); if (config('logging.channels.'.$logChannel.'.driver') === 'stack') { $secondary = collect(config('logging.channels.'.$logChannel.'.channels')) ->implode(', '); $logs = ''.$logChannel.' / '.$secondary; } else { $logs = $logChannel; } static::addToSection('Drivers', fn () => array_filter([ 'Broadcasting' => config('broadcasting.default'), 'Cache' => config('cache.default'), 'Database' => config('database.default'), 'Logs' => $logs, 'Mail' => config('mail.default'), 'Octane' => config('octane.server'), 'Queue' => config('queue.default'), 'Scout' => config('scout.driver'), 'Session' => config('session.driver'), ])); collect(static::$customDataResolvers)->each->__invoke(); } /** * Determine whether the given directory has PHP files. * * @param string $path * @return bool */ protected function hasPhpFiles(string $path): bool { return count(glob($path.'/*.php')) > 0; } /** * Add additional data to the output of the "about" command. * * @param string $section * @param callable|string|array $data * @param string|null $value * @return void */ public static function add(string $section, $data, string $value = null) { static::$customDataResolvers[] = fn () => static::addToSection($section, $data, $value); } /** * Add additional data to the output of the "about" command. * * @param string $section * @param callable|string|array $data * @param string|null $value * @return void */ protected static function addToSection(string $section, $data, string $value = null) { if (is_array($data)) { foreach ($data as $key => $value) { self::$data[$section][] = [$key, $value]; } } elseif (is_callable($data) || ($value === null && class_exists($data))) { self::$data[$section][] = $data; } else { self::$data[$section][] = [$data, $value]; } } /** * Get the sections provided to the command. * * @return array */ protected function sections() { return array_filter(explode(',', $this->option('only') ?? '')); } }