getEvents()->sortKeys(); if ($events->isEmpty()) { $this->components->info("Your application doesn't have any events matching the given criteria."); return; } $this->newLine(); $events->each(function ($listeners, $event) { $this->components->twoColumnDetail($this->appendEventInterfaces($event)); $this->components->bulletList($listeners); }); $this->newLine(); } /** * Get all of the events and listeners configured for the application. * * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function getEvents() { $events = collect($this->getListenersOnDispatcher()); if ($this->filteringByEvent()) { $events = $this->filterEvents($events); } return $events; } /** * Get the event / listeners from the dispatcher object. * * @return array */ protected function getListenersOnDispatcher() { $events = []; foreach ($this->getRawListeners() as $event => $rawListeners) { foreach ($rawListeners as $rawListener) { if (is_string($rawListener)) { $events[$event][] = $this->appendListenerInterfaces($rawListener); } elseif ($rawListener instanceof Closure) { $events[$event][] = $this->stringifyClosure($rawListener); } elseif (is_array($rawListener) && count($rawListener) === 2) { if (is_object($rawListener[0])) { $rawListener[0] = get_class($rawListener[0]); } $events[$event][] = $this->appendListenerInterfaces(implode('@', $rawListener)); } } } return $events; } /** * Add the event implemented interfaces to the output. * * @param string $event * @return string */ protected function appendEventInterfaces($event) { if (! class_exists($event)) { return $event; } $interfaces = class_implements($event); if (in_array(ShouldBroadcast::class, $interfaces)) { $event .= ' (ShouldBroadcast)'; } return $event; } /** * Add the listener implemented interfaces to the output. * * @param string $listener * @return string */ protected function appendListenerInterfaces($listener) { $listener = explode('@', $listener); $interfaces = class_implements($listener[0]); $listener = implode('@', $listener); if (in_array(ShouldQueue::class, $interfaces)) { $listener .= ' (ShouldQueue)'; } return $listener; } /** * Get a displayable string representation of a Closure listener. * * @param \Closure $rawListener * @return string */ protected function stringifyClosure(Closure $rawListener) { $reflection = new ReflectionFunction($rawListener); $path = str_replace([base_path(), DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR], ['', '/'], $reflection->getFileName() ?: ''); return 'Closure at: '.$path.':'.$reflection->getStartLine(); } /** * Filter the given events using the provided event name filter. * * @param \Illuminate\Support\Collection $events * @return \Illuminate\Support\Collection */ protected function filterEvents($events) { if (! $eventName = $this->option('event')) { return $events; } return $events->filter( fn ($listeners, $event) => str_contains($event, $eventName) ); } /** * Determine whether the user is filtering by an event name. * * @return bool */ protected function filteringByEvent() { return ! empty($this->option('event')); } /** * Gets the raw version of event listeners from the event dispatcher. * * @return array */ protected function getRawListeners() { return $this->getEventsDispatcher()->getRawListeners(); } /** * Get the event dispatcher. * * @return Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher */ public function getEventsDispatcher() { return is_null(self::$eventsResolver) ? $this->getLaravel()->make('events') : call_user_func(self::$eventsResolver); } /** * Set a callback that should be used when resolving the events dispatcher. * * @param \Closure|null $resolver * @return void */ public static function resolveEventsUsing($resolver) { static::$eventsResolver = $resolver; } }