factory = $factory; $this->middleware = new Collection; $this->asJson(); $this->options = [ 'connect_timeout' => 10, 'http_errors' => false, 'timeout' => 30, ]; $this->beforeSendingCallbacks = collect([function (Request $request, array $options, PendingRequest $pendingRequest) { $pendingRequest->request = $request; $pendingRequest->cookies = $options['cookies']; $pendingRequest->dispatchRequestSendingEvent(); }]); } /** * Set the base URL for the pending request. * * @param string $url * @return $this */ public function baseUrl(string $url) { $this->baseUrl = $url; return $this; } /** * Attach a raw body to the request. * * @param string $content * @param string $contentType * @return $this */ public function withBody($content, $contentType = 'application/json') { $this->bodyFormat('body'); $this->pendingBody = $content; $this->contentType($contentType); return $this; } /** * Indicate the request contains JSON. * * @return $this */ public function asJson() { return $this->bodyFormat('json')->contentType('application/json'); } /** * Indicate the request contains form parameters. * * @return $this */ public function asForm() { return $this->bodyFormat('form_params')->contentType('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); } /** * Attach a file to the request. * * @param string|array $name * @param string|resource $contents * @param string|null $filename * @param array $headers * @return $this */ public function attach($name, $contents = '', $filename = null, array $headers = []) { if (is_array($name)) { foreach ($name as $file) { $this->attach(...$file); } return $this; } $this->asMultipart(); $this->pendingFiles[] = array_filter([ 'name' => $name, 'contents' => $contents, 'headers' => $headers, 'filename' => $filename, ]); return $this; } /** * Indicate the request is a multi-part form request. * * @return $this */ public function asMultipart() { return $this->bodyFormat('multipart'); } /** * Specify the body format of the request. * * @param string $format * @return $this */ public function bodyFormat(string $format) { return tap($this, function () use ($format) { $this->bodyFormat = $format; }); } /** * Specify the request's content type. * * @param string $contentType * @return $this */ public function contentType(string $contentType) { $this->options['headers']['Content-Type'] = $contentType; return $this; } /** * Indicate that JSON should be returned by the server. * * @return $this */ public function acceptJson() { return $this->accept('application/json'); } /** * Indicate the type of content that should be returned by the server. * * @param string $contentType * @return $this */ public function accept($contentType) { return $this->withHeaders(['Accept' => $contentType]); } /** * Add the given headers to the request. * * @param array $headers * @return $this */ public function withHeaders(array $headers) { return tap($this, function () use ($headers) { $this->options = array_merge_recursive($this->options, [ 'headers' => $headers, ]); }); } /** * Specify the basic authentication username and password for the request. * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return $this */ public function withBasicAuth(string $username, string $password) { return tap($this, function () use ($username, $password) { $this->options['auth'] = [$username, $password]; }); } /** * Specify the digest authentication username and password for the request. * * @param string $username * @param string $password * @return $this */ public function withDigestAuth($username, $password) { return tap($this, function () use ($username, $password) { $this->options['auth'] = [$username, $password, 'digest']; }); } /** * Specify an authorization token for the request. * * @param string $token * @param string $type * @return $this */ public function withToken($token, $type = 'Bearer') { return tap($this, function () use ($token, $type) { $this->options['headers']['Authorization'] = trim($type.' '.$token); }); } /** * Specify the user agent for the request. * * @param string|bool $userAgent * @return $this */ public function withUserAgent($userAgent) { return tap($this, function () use ($userAgent) { $this->options['headers']['User-Agent'] = trim($userAgent); }); } /** * Specify the URL parameters that can be substituted into the request URL. * * @param array $parameters * @return $this */ public function withUrlParameters(array $parameters = []) { return tap($this, function () use ($parameters) { $this->urlParameters = $parameters; }); } /** * Specify the cookies that should be included with the request. * * @param array $cookies * @param string $domain * @return $this */ public function withCookies(array $cookies, string $domain) { return tap($this, function () use ($cookies, $domain) { $this->options = array_merge_recursive($this->options, [ 'cookies' => CookieJar::fromArray($cookies, $domain), ]); }); } /** * Specify the maximum number of redirects to allow. * * @param int $max * @return $this */ public function maxRedirects(int $max) { return tap($this, function () use ($max) { $this->options['allow_redirects']['max'] = $max; }); } /** * Indicate that redirects should not be followed. * * @return $this */ public function withoutRedirecting() { return tap($this, function () { $this->options['allow_redirects'] = false; }); } /** * Indicate that TLS certificates should not be verified. * * @return $this */ public function withoutVerifying() { return tap($this, function () { $this->options['verify'] = false; }); } /** * Specify the path where the body of the response should be stored. * * @param string|resource $to * @return $this */ public function sink($to) { return tap($this, function () use ($to) { $this->options['sink'] = $to; }); } /** * Specify the timeout (in seconds) for the request. * * @param int $seconds * @return $this */ public function timeout(int $seconds) { return tap($this, function () use ($seconds) { $this->options['timeout'] = $seconds; }); } /** * Specify the connect timeout (in seconds) for the request. * * @param int $seconds * @return $this */ public function connectTimeout(int $seconds) { return tap($this, function () use ($seconds) { $this->options['connect_timeout'] = $seconds; }); } /** * Specify the number of times the request should be attempted. * * @param int $times * @param int $sleepMilliseconds * @param callable|null $when * @param bool $throw * @return $this */ public function retry(int $times, int $sleepMilliseconds = 0, ?callable $when = null, bool $throw = true) { $this->tries = $times; $this->retryDelay = $sleepMilliseconds; $this->retryThrow = $throw; $this->retryWhenCallback = $when; return $this; } /** * Replace the specified options on the request. * * @param array $options * @return $this */ public function withOptions(array $options) { return tap($this, function () use ($options) { $this->options = array_replace_recursive( array_merge_recursive($this->options, Arr::only($options, $this->mergableOptions)), $options ); }); } /** * Add new middleware the client handler stack. * * @param callable $middleware * @return $this */ public function withMiddleware(callable $middleware) { $this->middleware->push($middleware); return $this; } /** * Add a new "before sending" callback to the request. * * @param callable $callback * @return $this */ public function beforeSending($callback) { return tap($this, function () use ($callback) { $this->beforeSendingCallbacks[] = $callback; }); } /** * Throw an exception if a server or client error occurs. * * @param callable|null $callback * @return $this */ public function throw(callable $callback = null) { $this->throwCallback = $callback ?: fn () => null; return $this; } /** * Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred and the given condition evaluates to true. * * @param callable|bool $condition * @param callable|null $throwCallback * @return $this */ public function throwIf($condition) { if (is_callable($condition)) { $this->throwIfCallback = $condition; } return $condition ? $this->throw(func_get_args()[1] ?? null) : $this; } /** * Throw an exception if a server or client error occurred and the given condition evaluates to false. * * @param bool $condition * @return $this */ public function throwUnless($condition) { return $this->throwIf(! $condition); } /** * Dump the request before sending. * * @return $this */ public function dump() { $values = func_get_args(); return $this->beforeSending(function (Request $request, array $options) use ($values) { foreach (array_merge($values, [$request, $options]) as $value) { VarDumper::dump($value); } }); } /** * Dump the request before sending and end the script. * * @return $this */ public function dd() { $values = func_get_args(); return $this->beforeSending(function (Request $request, array $options) use ($values) { foreach (array_merge($values, [$request, $options]) as $value) { VarDumper::dump($value); } exit(1); }); } /** * Issue a GET request to the given URL. * * @param string $url * @param array|string|null $query * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ public function get(string $url, $query = null) { return $this->send('GET', $url, func_num_args() === 1 ? [] : [ 'query' => $query, ]); } /** * Issue a HEAD request to the given URL. * * @param string $url * @param array|string|null $query * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ public function head(string $url, $query = null) { return $this->send('HEAD', $url, func_num_args() === 1 ? [] : [ 'query' => $query, ]); } /** * Issue a POST request to the given URL. * * @param string $url * @param array $data * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ public function post(string $url, $data = []) { return $this->send('POST', $url, [ $this->bodyFormat => $data, ]); } /** * Issue a PATCH request to the given URL. * * @param string $url * @param array $data * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ public function patch(string $url, $data = []) { return $this->send('PATCH', $url, [ $this->bodyFormat => $data, ]); } /** * Issue a PUT request to the given URL. * * @param string $url * @param array $data * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ public function put(string $url, $data = []) { return $this->send('PUT', $url, [ $this->bodyFormat => $data, ]); } /** * Issue a DELETE request to the given URL. * * @param string $url * @param array $data * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ public function delete(string $url, $data = []) { return $this->send('DELETE', $url, empty($data) ? [] : [ $this->bodyFormat => $data, ]); } /** * Send a pool of asynchronous requests concurrently. * * @param callable $callback * @return array */ public function pool(callable $callback) { $results = []; $requests = tap(new Pool($this->factory), $callback)->getRequests(); foreach ($requests as $key => $item) { $results[$key] = $item instanceof static ? $item->getPromise()->wait() : $item->wait(); } return $results; } /** * Send the request to the given URL. * * @param string $method * @param string $url * @param array $options * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response * * @throws \Exception */ public function send(string $method, string $url, array $options = []) { if (! Str::startsWith($url, ['http://', 'https://'])) { $url = ltrim(rtrim($this->baseUrl, '/').'/'.ltrim($url, '/'), '/'); } $url = $this->expandUrlParameters($url); $options = $this->parseHttpOptions($options); [$this->pendingBody, $this->pendingFiles] = [null, []]; if ($this->async) { return $this->makePromise($method, $url, $options); } $shouldRetry = null; return retry($this->tries ?? 1, function ($attempt) use ($method, $url, $options, &$shouldRetry) { try { return tap(new Response($this->sendRequest($method, $url, $options)), function ($response) use ($attempt, &$shouldRetry) { $this->populateResponse($response); $this->dispatchResponseReceivedEvent($response); if (! $response->successful()) { try { $shouldRetry = $this->retryWhenCallback ? call_user_func($this->retryWhenCallback, $response->toException(), $this) : true; } catch (Exception $exception) { $shouldRetry = false; throw $exception; } if ($this->throwCallback && ($this->throwIfCallback === null || call_user_func($this->throwIfCallback, $response))) { $response->throw($this->throwCallback); } if ($attempt < $this->tries && $shouldRetry) { $response->throw(); } if ($this->tries > 1 && $this->retryThrow) { $response->throw(); } } }); } catch (ConnectException $e) { $this->dispatchConnectionFailedEvent(); throw new ConnectionException($e->getMessage(), 0, $e); } }, $this->retryDelay ?? 100, function ($exception) use (&$shouldRetry) { $result = $shouldRetry ?? ($this->retryWhenCallback ? call_user_func($this->retryWhenCallback, $exception, $this) : true); $shouldRetry = null; return $result; }); } /** * Substitute the URL parameters in the given URL. * * @param string $url * @return string */ protected function expandUrlParameters(string $url) { return UriTemplate::expand($url, $this->urlParameters); } /** * Parse the given HTTP options and set the appropriate additional options. * * @param array $options * @return array */ protected function parseHttpOptions(array $options) { if (isset($options[$this->bodyFormat])) { if ($this->bodyFormat === 'multipart') { $options[$this->bodyFormat] = $this->parseMultipartBodyFormat($options[$this->bodyFormat]); } elseif ($this->bodyFormat === 'body') { $options[$this->bodyFormat] = $this->pendingBody; } if (is_array($options[$this->bodyFormat])) { $options[$this->bodyFormat] = array_merge( $options[$this->bodyFormat], $this->pendingFiles ); } } else { $options[$this->bodyFormat] = $this->pendingBody; } return collect($options)->map(function ($value, $key) { if ($key === 'json' && $value instanceof JsonSerializable) { return $value; } return $value instanceof Arrayable ? $value->toArray() : $value; })->all(); } /** * Parse multi-part form data. * * @param array $data * @return array|array[] */ protected function parseMultipartBodyFormat(array $data) { return collect($data)->map(function ($value, $key) { return is_array($value) ? $value : ['name' => $key, 'contents' => $value]; })->values()->all(); } /** * Send an asynchronous request to the given URL. * * @param string $method * @param string $url * @param array $options * @return \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface */ protected function makePromise(string $method, string $url, array $options = []) { return $this->promise = $this->sendRequest($method, $url, $options) ->then(function (MessageInterface $message) { return tap(new Response($message), function ($response) { $this->populateResponse($response); $this->dispatchResponseReceivedEvent($response); }); }) ->otherwise(function (TransferException $e) { return $e instanceof RequestException && $e->hasResponse() ? $this->populateResponse(new Response($e->getResponse())) : $e; }); } /** * Send a request either synchronously or asynchronously. * * @param string $method * @param string $url * @param array $options * @return \Psr\Http\Message\MessageInterface|\GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface * * @throws \Exception */ protected function sendRequest(string $method, string $url, array $options = []) { $clientMethod = $this->async ? 'requestAsync' : 'request'; $laravelData = $this->parseRequestData($method, $url, $options); return $this->buildClient()->$clientMethod($method, $url, $this->mergeOptions([ 'laravel_data' => $laravelData, 'on_stats' => function ($transferStats) { $this->transferStats = $transferStats; }, ], $options)); } /** * Get the request data as an array so that we can attach it to the request for convenient assertions. * * @param string $method * @param string $url * @param array $options * @return array */ protected function parseRequestData($method, $url, array $options) { if ($this->bodyFormat === 'body') { return []; } $laravelData = $options[$this->bodyFormat] ?? $options['query'] ?? []; $urlString = Str::of($url); if (empty($laravelData) && $method === 'GET' && $urlString->contains('?')) { $laravelData = (string) $urlString->after('?'); } if (is_string($laravelData)) { parse_str($laravelData, $parsedData); $laravelData = is_array($parsedData) ? $parsedData : []; } if ($laravelData instanceof JsonSerializable) { $laravelData = $laravelData->jsonSerialize(); } return is_array($laravelData) ? $laravelData : []; } /** * Populate the given response with additional data. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response * @return \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response */ protected function populateResponse(Response $response) { $response->cookies = $this->cookies; $response->transferStats = $this->transferStats; return $response; } /** * Build the Guzzle client. * * @return \GuzzleHttp\Client */ public function buildClient() { return $this->client ?? $this->createClient($this->buildHandlerStack()); } /** * Determine if a reusable client is required. * * @return bool */ protected function requestsReusableClient() { return ! is_null($this->client) || $this->async; } /** * Retrieve a reusable Guzzle client. * * @return \GuzzleHttp\Client */ protected function getReusableClient() { return $this->client = $this->client ?: $this->createClient($this->buildHandlerStack()); } /** * Create new Guzzle client. * * @param \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack $handlerStack * @return \GuzzleHttp\Client */ public function createClient($handlerStack) { return new Client([ 'handler' => $handlerStack, 'cookies' => true, ]); } /** * Build the Guzzle client handler stack. * * @return \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack */ public function buildHandlerStack() { return $this->pushHandlers(HandlerStack::create($this->handler)); } /** * Add the necessary handlers to the given handler stack. * * @param \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack $handlerStack * @return \GuzzleHttp\HandlerStack */ public function pushHandlers($handlerStack) { return tap($handlerStack, function ($stack) { $stack->push($this->buildBeforeSendingHandler()); $stack->push($this->buildRecorderHandler()); $this->middleware->each(function ($middleware) use ($stack) { $stack->push($middleware); }); $stack->push($this->buildStubHandler()); }); } /** * Build the before sending handler. * * @return \Closure */ public function buildBeforeSendingHandler() { return function ($handler) { return function ($request, $options) use ($handler) { return $handler($this->runBeforeSendingCallbacks($request, $options), $options); }; }; } /** * Build the recorder handler. * * @return \Closure */ public function buildRecorderHandler() { return function ($handler) { return function ($request, $options) use ($handler) { $promise = $handler($request, $options); return $promise->then(function ($response) use ($request, $options) { $this->factory?->recordRequestResponsePair( (new Request($request))->withData($options['laravel_data']), new Response($response) ); return $response; }); }; }; } /** * Build the stub handler. * * @return \Closure */ public function buildStubHandler() { return function ($handler) { return function ($request, $options) use ($handler) { $response = ($this->stubCallbacks ?? collect()) ->map ->__invoke((new Request($request))->withData($options['laravel_data']), $options) ->filter() ->first(); if (is_null($response)) { if ($this->preventStrayRequests) { throw new RuntimeException('Attempted request to ['.(string) $request->getUri().'] without a matching fake.'); } return $handler($request, $options); } $response = is_array($response) ? Factory::response($response) : $response; $sink = $options['sink'] ?? null; if ($sink) { $response->then($this->sinkStubHandler($sink)); } return $response; }; }; } /** * Get the sink stub handler callback. * * @param string $sink * @return \Closure */ protected function sinkStubHandler($sink) { return function ($response) use ($sink) { $body = $response->getBody()->getContents(); if (is_string($sink)) { file_put_contents($sink, $body); return; } fwrite($sink, $body); rewind($sink); }; } /** * Execute the "before sending" callbacks. * * @param \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\RequestInterface $request * @param array $options * @return \GuzzleHttp\Psr7\RequestInterface */ public function runBeforeSendingCallbacks($request, array $options) { return tap($request, function (&$request) use ($options) { $this->beforeSendingCallbacks->each(function ($callback) use (&$request, $options) { $callbackResult = call_user_func( $callback, (new Request($request))->withData($options['laravel_data']), $options, $this ); if ($callbackResult instanceof RequestInterface) { $request = $callbackResult; } elseif ($callbackResult instanceof Request) { $request = $callbackResult->toPsrRequest(); } }); }); } /** * Replace the given options with the current request options. * * @param array ...$options * @return array */ public function mergeOptions(...$options) { return array_replace_recursive( array_merge_recursive($this->options, Arr::only($options, $this->mergableOptions)), ...$options ); } /** * Register a stub callable that will intercept requests and be able to return stub responses. * * @param callable $callback * @return $this */ public function stub($callback) { $this->stubCallbacks = collect($callback); return $this; } /** * Indicate that an exception should be thrown if any request is not faked. * * @param bool $prevent * @return $this */ public function preventStrayRequests($prevent = true) { $this->preventStrayRequests = $prevent; return $this; } /** * Toggle asynchronicity in requests. * * @param bool $async * @return $this */ public function async(bool $async = true) { $this->async = $async; return $this; } /** * Retrieve the pending request promise. * * @return \GuzzleHttp\Promise\PromiseInterface|null */ public function getPromise() { return $this->promise; } /** * Dispatch the RequestSending event if a dispatcher is available. * * @return void */ protected function dispatchRequestSendingEvent() { if ($dispatcher = $this->factory?->getDispatcher()) { $dispatcher->dispatch(new RequestSending($this->request)); } } /** * Dispatch the ResponseReceived event if a dispatcher is available. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Client\Response $response * @return void */ protected function dispatchResponseReceivedEvent(Response $response) { if (! ($dispatcher = $this->factory?->getDispatcher()) || ! $this->request) { return; } $dispatcher->dispatch(new ResponseReceived($this->request, $response)); } /** * Dispatch the ConnectionFailed event if a dispatcher is available. * * @return void */ protected function dispatchConnectionFailedEvent() { if ($dispatcher = $this->factory?->getDispatcher()) { $dispatcher->dispatch(new ConnectionFailed($this->request)); } } /** * Set the client instance. * * @param \GuzzleHttp\Client $client * @return $this */ public function setClient(Client $client) { $this->client = $client; return $this; } /** * Create a new client instance using the given handler. * * @param callable $handler * @return $this */ public function setHandler($handler) { $this->handler = $handler; return $this; } /** * Get the pending request options. * * @return array */ public function getOptions() { return $this->options; } }