from = is_string($from) ? new Address($from) : $from; $this->to = $this->normalizeAddresses($to); $this->cc = $this->normalizeAddresses($cc); $this->bcc = $this->normalizeAddresses($bcc); $this->replyTo = $this->normalizeAddresses($replyTo); $this->subject = $subject; $this->tags = $tags; $this->metadata = $metadata; $this->using = Arr::wrap($using); } /** * Normalize the given array of addresses. * * @param array $addresses * @return array */ protected function normalizeAddresses($addresses) { return collect($addresses)->map(function ($address) { return is_string($address) ? new Address($address) : $address; })->all(); } /** * Specify who the message will be "from". * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Address|string $address * @param string|null $name * @return $this */ public function from(Address|string $address, $name = null) { $this->from = is_string($address) ? new Address($address, $name) : $address; return $this; } /** * Add a "to" recipient to the message envelope. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Address|array|string $address * @param string|null $name * @return $this */ public function to(Address|array|string $address, $name = null) { $this->to = array_merge($this->to, $this->normalizeAddresses( is_string($name) ? [new Address($address, $name)] : Arr::wrap($address), )); return $this; } /** * Add a "cc" recipient to the message envelope. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Address|array|string $address * @param string|null $name * @return $this */ public function cc(Address|array|string $address, $name = null) { $this->cc = array_merge($this->cc, $this->normalizeAddresses( is_string($name) ? [new Address($address, $name)] : Arr::wrap($address), )); return $this; } /** * Add a "bcc" recipient to the message envelope. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Address|array|string $address * @param string|null $name * @return $this */ public function bcc(Address|array|string $address, $name = null) { $this->bcc = array_merge($this->bcc, $this->normalizeAddresses( is_string($name) ? [new Address($address, $name)] : Arr::wrap($address), )); return $this; } /** * Add a "reply to" recipient to the message envelope. * * @param \Illuminate\Mail\Mailables\Address|array|string $address * @param string|null $name * @return $this */ public function replyTo(Address|array|string $address, $name = null) { $this->replyTo = array_merge($this->replyTo, $this->normalizeAddresses( is_string($name) ? [new Address($address, $name)] : Arr::wrap($address), )); return $this; } /** * Set the subject of the message. * * @param string $subject * @return $this */ public function subject(string $subject) { $this->subject = $subject; return $this; } /** * Add "tags" to the message. * * @param array $tags * @return $this */ public function tags(array $tags) { $this->tags = array_merge($this->tags, $tags); return $this; } /** * Add a "tag" to the message. * * @param string $tag * @return $this */ public function tag(string $tag) { $this->tags[] = $tag; return $this; } /** * Add metadata to the message. * * @param string $key * @param string|int $value * @return $this */ public function metadata(string $key, string|int $value) { $this->metadata[$key] = $value; return $this; } /** * Add a Symfony Message customization callback to the message. * * @param \Closure $callback * @return $this */ public function using(Closure $callback) { $this->using[] = $callback; return $this; } /** * Determine if the message is from the given address. * * @param string $address * @param string|null $name * @return bool */ public function isFrom(string $address, string $name = null) { if (is_null($name)) { return $this->from->address === $address; } return $this->from->address === $address && $this->from->name === $name; } /** * Determine if the message has the given address as a recipient. * * @param string $address * @param string|null $name * @return bool */ public function hasTo(string $address, string $name = null) { return $this->hasRecipient($this->to, $address, $name); } /** * Determine if the message has the given address as a "cc" recipient. * * @param string $address * @param string|null $name * @return bool */ public function hasCc(string $address, string $name = null) { return $this->hasRecipient($this->cc, $address, $name); } /** * Determine if the message has the given address as a "bcc" recipient. * * @param string $address * @param string|null $name * @return bool */ public function hasBcc(string $address, string $name = null) { return $this->hasRecipient($this->bcc, $address, $name); } /** * Determine if the message has the given address as a "reply to" recipient. * * @param string $address * @param string|null $name * @return bool */ public function hasReplyTo(string $address, string $name = null) { return $this->hasRecipient($this->replyTo, $address, $name); } /** * Determine if the message has the given recipient. * * @param array $recipients * @param string $address * @param string|null $name * @return bool */ protected function hasRecipient(array $recipients, string $address, ?string $name = null) { return collect($recipients)->contains(function ($recipient) use ($address, $name) { if (is_null($name)) { return $recipient->address === $address; } return $recipient->address === $address && $recipient->name === $name; }); } /** * Determine if the message has the given subject. * * @param string $subject * @return bool */ public function hasSubject(string $subject) { return $this->subject === $subject; } /** * Determine if the message has the given metadata. * * @param string $key * @param string $value * @return bool */ public function hasMetadata(string $key, string $value) { return isset($this->metadata[$key]) && (string) $this->metadata[$key] === $value; } }