limiter = Container::getInstance()->make(RateLimiter::class); $this->limiterName = $limiterName; } /** * Process the job. * * @param mixed $job * @param callable $next * @return mixed */ public function handle($job, $next) { if (is_null($limiter = $this->limiter->limiter($this->limiterName))) { return $next($job); } $limiterResponse = $limiter($job); if ($limiterResponse instanceof Unlimited) { return $next($job); } return $this->handleJob( $job, $next, collect(Arr::wrap($limiterResponse))->map(function ($limit) { return (object) [ 'key' => md5($this->limiterName.$limit->key), 'maxAttempts' => $limit->maxAttempts, 'decayMinutes' => $limit->decayMinutes, ]; })->all() ); } /** * Handle a rate limited job. * * @param mixed $job * @param callable $next * @param array $limits * @return mixed */ protected function handleJob($job, $next, array $limits) { foreach ($limits as $limit) { if ($this->limiter->tooManyAttempts($limit->key, $limit->maxAttempts)) { return $this->shouldRelease ? $job->release($this->getTimeUntilNextRetry($limit->key)) : false; } $this->limiter->hit($limit->key, $limit->decayMinutes * 60); } return $next($job); } /** * Do not release the job back to the queue if the limit is exceeded. * * @return $this */ public function dontRelease() { $this->shouldRelease = false; return $this; } /** * Get the number of seconds that should elapse before the job is retried. * * @param string $key * @return int */ protected function getTimeUntilNextRetry($key) { return $this->limiter->availableIn($key) + 3; } /** * Prepare the object for serialization. * * @return array */ public function __sleep() { return [ 'limiterName', 'shouldRelease', ]; } /** * Prepare the object after unserialization. * * @return void */ public function __wakeup() { $this->limiter = Container::getInstance()->make(RateLimiter::class); } }