compiled = $compiled; $this->attributes = $attributes; $this->routes = new RouteCollection; } /** * Add a Route instance to the collection. * * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Route $route * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route */ public function add(Route $route) { return $this->routes->add($route); } /** * Refresh the name look-up table. * * This is done in case any names are fluently defined or if routes are overwritten. * * @return void */ public function refreshNameLookups() { // } /** * Refresh the action look-up table. * * This is done in case any actions are overwritten with new controllers. * * @return void */ public function refreshActionLookups() { // } /** * Find the first route matching a given request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route * * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\MethodNotAllowedHttpException * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException */ public function match(Request $request) { $matcher = new CompiledUrlMatcher( $this->compiled, (new RequestContext)->fromRequest( $trimmedRequest = $this->requestWithoutTrailingSlash($request) ) ); $route = null; try { if ($result = $matcher->matchRequest($trimmedRequest)) { $route = $this->getByName($result['_route']); } } catch (ResourceNotFoundException|MethodNotAllowedException $e) { try { return $this->routes->match($request); } catch (NotFoundHttpException) { // } } if ($route && $route->isFallback) { try { $dynamicRoute = $this->routes->match($request); if (! $dynamicRoute->isFallback) { $route = $dynamicRoute; } } catch (NotFoundHttpException|MethodNotAllowedHttpException) { // } } return $this->handleMatchedRoute($request, $route); } /** * Get a cloned instance of the given request without any trailing slash on the URI. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Http\Request */ protected function requestWithoutTrailingSlash(Request $request) { $trimmedRequest = $request->duplicate(); $parts = explode('?', $request->server->get('REQUEST_URI'), 2); $trimmedRequest->server->set( 'REQUEST_URI', rtrim($parts[0], '/').(isset($parts[1]) ? '?'.$parts[1] : '') ); return $trimmedRequest; } /** * Get routes from the collection by method. * * @param string|null $method * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route[] */ public function get($method = null) { return $this->getRoutesByMethod()[$method] ?? []; } /** * Determine if the route collection contains a given named route. * * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function hasNamedRoute($name) { return isset($this->attributes[$name]) || $this->routes->hasNamedRoute($name); } /** * Get a route instance by its name. * * @param string $name * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route|null */ public function getByName($name) { if (isset($this->attributes[$name])) { return $this->newRoute($this->attributes[$name]); } return $this->routes->getByName($name); } /** * Get a route instance by its controller action. * * @param string $action * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route|null */ public function getByAction($action) { $attributes = collect($this->attributes)->first(function (array $attributes) use ($action) { if (isset($attributes['action']['controller'])) { return trim($attributes['action']['controller'], '\\') === $action; } return $attributes['action']['uses'] === $action; }); if ($attributes) { return $this->newRoute($attributes); } return $this->routes->getByAction($action); } /** * Get all of the routes in the collection. * * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route[] */ public function getRoutes() { return collect($this->attributes) ->map(function (array $attributes) { return $this->newRoute($attributes); }) ->merge($this->routes->getRoutes()) ->values() ->all(); } /** * Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method. * * @return array */ public function getRoutesByMethod() { return collect($this->getRoutes()) ->groupBy(function (Route $route) { return $route->methods(); }) ->map(function (Collection $routes) { return $routes->mapWithKeys(function (Route $route) { return [$route->getDomain().$route->uri => $route]; })->all(); }) ->all(); } /** * Get all of the routes keyed by their name. * * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route[] */ public function getRoutesByName() { return collect($this->getRoutes()) ->keyBy(function (Route $route) { return $route->getName(); }) ->all(); } /** * Resolve an array of attributes to a Route instance. * * @param array $attributes * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route */ protected function newRoute(array $attributes) { if (empty($attributes['action']['prefix'] ?? '')) { $baseUri = $attributes['uri']; } else { $prefix = trim($attributes['action']['prefix'], '/'); $baseUri = trim(implode( '/', array_slice( explode('/', trim($attributes['uri'], '/')), count($prefix !== '' ? explode('/', $prefix) : []) ) ), '/'); } return $this->router->newRoute($attributes['methods'], $baseUri === '' ? '/' : $baseUri, $attributes['action']) ->setFallback($attributes['fallback']) ->setDefaults($attributes['defaults']) ->setWheres($attributes['wheres']) ->setBindingFields($attributes['bindingFields']) ->block($attributes['lockSeconds'] ?? null, $attributes['waitSeconds'] ?? null) ->withTrashed($attributes['withTrashed'] ?? false); } /** * Set the router instance on the route. * * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Router $router * @return $this */ public function setRouter(Router $router) { $this->router = $router; return $this; } /** * Set the container instance on the route. * * @param \Illuminate\Container\Container $container * @return $this */ public function setContainer(Container $container) { $this->container = $container; return $this; } }