addToCollections($route); $this->addLookups($route); return $route; } /** * Add the given route to the arrays of routes. * * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Route $route * @return void */ protected function addToCollections($route) { $domainAndUri = $route->getDomain().$route->uri(); foreach ($route->methods() as $method) { $this->routes[$method][$domainAndUri] = $route; } $this->allRoutes[$method.$domainAndUri] = $route; } /** * Add the route to any look-up tables if necessary. * * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Route $route * @return void */ protected function addLookups($route) { // If the route has a name, we will add it to the name look-up table so that we // will quickly be able to find any route associate with a name and not have // to iterate through every route every time we need to perform a look-up. if ($name = $route->getName()) { $this->nameList[$name] = $route; } // When the route is routing to a controller we will also store the action that // is used by the route. This will let us reverse route to controllers while // processing a request and easily generate URLs to the given controllers. $action = $route->getAction(); if (isset($action['controller'])) { $this->addToActionList($action, $route); } } /** * Add a route to the controller action dictionary. * * @param array $action * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Route $route * @return void */ protected function addToActionList($action, $route) { $this->actionList[trim($action['controller'], '\\')] = $route; } /** * Refresh the name look-up table. * * This is done in case any names are fluently defined or if routes are overwritten. * * @return void */ public function refreshNameLookups() { $this->nameList = []; foreach ($this->allRoutes as $route) { if ($route->getName()) { $this->nameList[$route->getName()] = $route; } } } /** * Refresh the action look-up table. * * This is done in case any actions are overwritten with new controllers. * * @return void */ public function refreshActionLookups() { $this->actionList = []; foreach ($this->allRoutes as $route) { if (isset($route->getAction()['controller'])) { $this->addToActionList($route->getAction(), $route); } } } /** * Find the first route matching a given request. * * @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route * * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\MethodNotAllowedHttpException * @throws \Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\NotFoundHttpException */ public function match(Request $request) { $routes = $this->get($request->getMethod()); // First, we will see if we can find a matching route for this current request // method. If we can, great, we can just return it so that it can be called // by the consumer. Otherwise we will check for routes with another verb. $route = $this->matchAgainstRoutes($routes, $request); return $this->handleMatchedRoute($request, $route); } /** * Get routes from the collection by method. * * @param string|null $method * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route[] */ public function get($method = null) { return is_null($method) ? $this->getRoutes() : Arr::get($this->routes, $method, []); } /** * Determine if the route collection contains a given named route. * * @param string $name * @return bool */ public function hasNamedRoute($name) { return ! is_null($this->getByName($name)); } /** * Get a route instance by its name. * * @param string $name * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route|null */ public function getByName($name) { return $this->nameList[$name] ?? null; } /** * Get a route instance by its controller action. * * @param string $action * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route|null */ public function getByAction($action) { return $this->actionList[$action] ?? null; } /** * Get all of the routes in the collection. * * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route[] */ public function getRoutes() { return array_values($this->allRoutes); } /** * Get all of the routes keyed by their HTTP verb / method. * * @return array */ public function getRoutesByMethod() { return $this->routes; } /** * Get all of the routes keyed by their name. * * @return \Illuminate\Routing\Route[] */ public function getRoutesByName() { return $this->nameList; } /** * Convert the collection to a Symfony RouteCollection instance. * * @return \Symfony\Component\Routing\RouteCollection */ public function toSymfonyRouteCollection() { $symfonyRoutes = parent::toSymfonyRouteCollection(); $this->refreshNameLookups(); return $symfonyRoutes; } /** * Convert the collection to a CompiledRouteCollection instance. * * @param \Illuminate\Routing\Router $router * @param \Illuminate\Container\Container $container * @return \Illuminate\Routing\CompiledRouteCollection */ public function toCompiledRouteCollection(Router $router, Container $container) { ['compiled' => $compiled, 'attributes' => $attributes] = $this->compile(); return (new CompiledRouteCollection($compiled, $attributes)) ->setRouter($router) ->setContainer($container); } }