* * For the full copyright and license information, please view the LICENSE * file that was distributed with this source code. */ namespace League\CommonMark\Extension\DefaultAttributes; use League\CommonMark\Event\DocumentParsedEvent; use League\CommonMark\Extension\Attributes\Util\AttributesHelper; use League\Config\ConfigurationAwareInterface; use League\Config\ConfigurationInterface; final class ApplyDefaultAttributesProcessor implements ConfigurationAwareInterface { private ConfigurationInterface $config; public function onDocumentParsed(DocumentParsedEvent $event): void { /** @var array> $map */ $map = $this->config->get('default_attributes'); // Don't bother iterating if no default attributes are configured if (! $map) { return; } foreach ($event->getDocument()->iterator() as $node) { // Check to see if any default attributes were defined if (($attributesToApply = $map[\get_class($node)] ?? []) === []) { continue; } $newAttributes = []; foreach ($attributesToApply as $name => $value) { if (\is_callable($value)) { $value = $value($node); // Callables are allowed to return `null` indicating that no changes should be made if ($value !== null) { $newAttributes[$name] = $value; } } else { $newAttributes[$name] = $value; } } // Merge these attributes into the node if (\count($newAttributes) > 0) { $node->data->set('attributes', AttributesHelper::mergeAttributes($node, $newAttributes)); } } } public function setConfiguration(ConfigurationInterface $configuration): void { $this->config = $configuration; } }