*/ public array $suiteTests = []; /** * The current test case class. */ public string|null $testCaseName; /** * The current test case tests. * * @var array */ public array $testCaseTests = []; /** * The current test case tests. * * @var array */ public array $toBePrintedCaseTests = []; /** * Header printed. */ public bool $headerPrinted = false; /** * The state constructor. */ public function __construct() { $this->testCaseName = ''; } /** * Checks if the given test already contains a result. */ public function existsInTestCase(Test $test): bool { return isset($this->testCaseTests[$test->id()]); } /** * Adds the given test to the State. */ public function add(TestResult $test): void { $this->testCaseName = $test->testCaseName; $this->testCaseTests[$test->id] = $test; $this->toBePrintedCaseTests[$test->id] = $test; $this->suiteTests[$test->id] = $test; } /** * Sets the duration of the given test, and returns the test result. */ public function setDuration(Test $test, float $duration): TestResult { $result = $this->testCaseTests[$test->id()]; $result->setDuration($duration); return $result; } /** * Gets the test case title. */ public function getTestCaseTitle(): string { foreach ($this->testCaseTests as $test) { if ($test->type === TestResult::FAIL) { return 'FAIL'; } } foreach ($this->testCaseTests as $test) { if ($test->type !== TestResult::PASS && $test->type !== TestResult::TODO && $test->type !== TestResult::DEPRECATED && $test->type !== TestResult::NOTICE) { return 'WARN'; } } foreach ($this->testCaseTests as $test) { if ($test->type === TestResult::NOTICE) { return 'NOTI'; } } foreach ($this->testCaseTests as $test) { if ($test->type === TestResult::DEPRECATED) { return 'DEPR'; } } if ($this->todosCount() > 0 && (count($this->testCaseTests) === $this->todosCount())) { return 'TODO'; } return 'PASS'; } /** * Gets the number of tests that are todos. */ public function todosCount(): int { return count(array_values(array_filter($this->testCaseTests, function (TestResult $test): bool { return $test->type === TestResult::TODO; }))); } /** * Gets the test case title color. */ public function getTestCaseFontColor(): string { if ($this->getTestCaseTitleColor() === 'blue') { return 'white'; } return $this->getTestCaseTitle() === 'FAIL' ? 'default' : 'black'; } /** * Gets the test case title color. */ public function getTestCaseTitleColor(): string { foreach ($this->testCaseTests as $test) { if ($test->type === TestResult::FAIL) { return 'red'; } } foreach ($this->testCaseTests as $test) { if ($test->type !== TestResult::PASS && $test->type !== TestResult::TODO && $test->type !== TestResult::DEPRECATED) { return 'yellow'; } } foreach ($this->testCaseTests as $test) { if ($test->type === TestResult::DEPRECATED) { return 'yellow'; } } foreach ($this->testCaseTests as $test) { if ($test->type === TestResult::TODO) { return 'blue'; } } return 'green'; } /** * Returns the number of tests on the current test case. */ public function testCaseTestsCount(): int { return count($this->testCaseTests); } /** * Returns the number of tests on the complete test suite. */ public function testSuiteTestsCount(): int { return count($this->suiteTests); } /** * Checks if the given test case is different from the current one. */ public function testCaseHasChanged(TestMethod $test): bool { return self::getPrintableTestCaseName($test) !== $this->testCaseName; } /** * Moves the an new test case. */ public function moveTo(TestMethod $test): void { $this->testCaseName = self::getPrintableTestCaseName($test); $this->testCaseTests = []; $this->headerPrinted = false; } /** * Foreach test in the test case. */ public function eachTestCaseTests(callable $callback): void { foreach ($this->toBePrintedCaseTests as $test) { $callback($test); } $this->toBePrintedCaseTests = []; } public function countTestsInTestSuiteBy(string $type): int { return count(array_filter($this->suiteTests, function (TestResult $testResult) use ($type) { return $testResult->type === $type; })); } /** * Returns the printable test case name from the given `TestCase`. */ public static function getPrintableTestCaseName(TestMethod $test): string { $className = explode('::', $test->id())[0]; if (is_subclass_of($className, HasPrintableTestCaseName::class)) { return $className::getPrintableTestCaseName(); } return $className; } }