new self(), self::KEY_SOURCE => null, ]; } return self::$_register[$eventId][self::KEY_EVENT]; } /** * Declares a new object in the observable collection. * Note: Hoa's libraries use `hoa://Event/anID` for their observable objects. */ public static function register(string $eventId, /* Source|string */ $source) { if (true === self::eventExists($eventId)) { throw new EventException('Cannot redeclare an event with the same ID, i.e. the event '.'ID %s already exists.', 0, $eventId); } if (\is_object($source) && !($source instanceof EventSource)) { throw new EventException('The source must implement \Hoa\Event\Source '.'interface; given %s.', 1, \get_class($source)); } else { $reflection = new \ReflectionClass($source); if (false === $reflection->implementsInterface('\Psy\Readline\Hoa\EventSource')) { throw new EventException('The source must implement \Hoa\Event\Source '.'interface; given %s.', 2, $source); } } if (!isset(self::$_register[$eventId][self::KEY_EVENT])) { self::$_register[$eventId][self::KEY_EVENT] = new self(); } self::$_register[$eventId][self::KEY_SOURCE] = $source; } /** * Undeclares an object in the observable collection. * * If `$hard` is set to `true, then the source and its attached callables * will be deleted. */ public static function unregister(string $eventId, bool $hard = false) { if (false !== $hard) { unset(self::$_register[$eventId]); } else { self::$_register[$eventId][self::KEY_SOURCE] = null; } } /** * Attach an object to an event. * * It can be a callable or an accepted callable form (please, see the * `Hoa\Consistency\Xcallable` class). */ public function attach($callable): self { $callable = Xcallable::from($callable); $this->_callable[$callable->getHash()] = $callable; return $this; } /** * Detaches an object to an event. * * Please see `self::attach` method. */ public function detach($callable): self { unset($this->_callable[Xcallable::from($callable)->getHash()]); return $this; } /** * Checks if at least one callable is attached to an event. */ public function isListened(): bool { return !empty($this->_callable); } /** * Notifies, i.e. send data to observers. */ public static function notify(string $eventId, EventSource $source, EventBucket $data) { if (false === self::eventExists($eventId)) { throw new EventException('Event ID %s does not exist, cannot send notification.', 3, $eventId); } $data->setSource($source); $event = self::getEvent($eventId); foreach ($event->_callable as $callable) { $callable($data); } } /** * Checks whether an event exists. */ public static function eventExists(string $eventId): bool { return \array_key_exists($eventId, self::$_register) && self::$_register[$eventId][self::KEY_SOURCE] !== null; } }