historyFile); if (!$history) { return []; } // libedit doesn't seem to support non-unix line separators. $history = \explode("\n", $history); // remove history signature if it exists if ($history[0] === '_HiStOrY_V2_') { \array_shift($history); } // decode the line $history = \array_map([$this, 'parseHistoryLine'], $history); // filter empty lines & comments return \array_values(\array_filter($history)); } /** * {@inheritdoc} */ public function writeHistory(): bool { $res = parent::writeHistory(); // Libedit apparently refuses to save history if the history file is not // owned by the user, even if it is writable. Warn when this happens. // // See https://github.com/bobthecow/psysh/issues/552 if ($res === false && !$this->hasWarnedOwnership) { if (\is_file($this->historyFile) && \is_writable($this->historyFile)) { $this->hasWarnedOwnership = true; $msg = \sprintf('Error writing history file, check file ownership: %s', $this->historyFile); \trigger_error($msg, \E_USER_NOTICE); } } return $res; } /** * From GNUReadline (readline/histfile.c & readline/histexpand.c): * lines starting with "\0" are comments or timestamps; * if "\0" is found in an entry, * everything from it until the next line is a comment. * * @param string $line The history line to parse * * @return string|null */ protected function parseHistoryLine(string $line) { // empty line, comment or timestamp if (!$line || $line[0] === "\0") { return; } // if "\0" is found in an entry, then // everything from it until the end of line is a comment. if (($pos = \strpos($line, "\0")) !== false) { $line = \substr($line, 0, $pos); } return ($line !== '') ? Str::unvis($line) : null; } }