hasConstant($member)) { return ReflectionClassConstant::create($value, $member); } elseif ($filter & self::METHOD && $class->hasMethod($member)) { return $class->getMethod($member); } elseif ($filter & self::PROPERTY && $class->hasProperty($member)) { return $class->getProperty($member); } elseif ($filter & self::STATIC_PROPERTY && $class->hasProperty($member) && $class->getProperty($member)->isStatic()) { return $class->getProperty($member); } else { throw new RuntimeException(\sprintf('Unknown member %s on class %s', $member, \is_object($value) ? \get_class($value) : $value)); } } /** * Get a ReflectionClass (or ReflectionObject, or ReflectionNamespace) if possible. * * @throws \InvalidArgumentException if $value is not a namespace or class name or instance * * @param mixed $value * * @return \ReflectionClass|ReflectionNamespace */ private static function getClass($value) { if (\is_object($value)) { return new \ReflectionObject($value); } if (!\is_string($value)) { throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Mirror expects an object or class'); } if (\class_exists($value) || \interface_exists($value) || \trait_exists($value)) { return new \ReflectionClass($value); } $namespace = \preg_replace('/(^\\\\|\\\\$)/', '', $value); if (self::namespaceExists($namespace)) { return new ReflectionNamespace($namespace); } throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Unknown namespace, class or function: '.$value); } /** * Check declared namespaces for a given namespace. */ private static function namespaceExists(string $value): bool { return \in_array(\strtolower($value), self::getDeclaredNamespaces()); } /** * Get an array of all currently declared namespaces. * * Note that this relies on at least one function, class, interface, trait * or constant to have been declared in that namespace. */ private static function getDeclaredNamespaces(): array { $functions = \get_defined_functions(); $allNames = \array_merge( $functions['internal'], $functions['user'], \get_declared_classes(), \get_declared_interfaces(), \get_declared_traits(), \array_keys(\get_defined_constants()) ); $namespaces = []; foreach ($allNames as $name) { $chunks = \explode('\\', \strtolower($name)); // the last one is the function or class or whatever... \array_pop($chunks); while (!empty($chunks)) { $namespaces[\implode('\\', $chunks)] = true; \array_pop($chunks); } } $namespaceNames = \array_keys($namespaces); \sort($namespaceNames); return $namespaceNames; } }