getMessage(), $matches); } public function getSolutions(Throwable $throwable): array { preg_match(self::REGEX, $throwable->getMessage(), $matches); $missingView = $matches[1] ?? null; $suggestedView = $this->findRelatedView($missingView); if ($suggestedView) { return [ BaseSolution::create() ->setSolutionTitle("{$missingView} was not found.") ->setSolutionDescription("Did you mean `{$suggestedView}`?"), ]; } return [ BaseSolution::create() ->setSolutionTitle("{$missingView} was not found.") ->setSolutionDescription('Are you sure the view exists and is a `.blade.php` file?'), ]; } protected function findRelatedView(string $missingView): ?string { $views = $this->getAllViews(); return StringComparator::findClosestMatch($views, $missingView); } /** @return array */ protected function getAllViews(): array { /** @var \Illuminate\View\FileViewFinder $fileViewFinder */ $fileViewFinder = View::getFinder(); $extensions = $fileViewFinder->getExtensions(); $viewsForHints = collect($fileViewFinder->getHints()) ->flatMap(function ($paths, string $namespace) use ($extensions) { $paths = Arr::wrap($paths); return collect($paths) ->flatMap(fn (string $path) => $this->getViewsInPath($path, $extensions)) ->map(fn (string $view) => "{$namespace}::{$view}") ->toArray(); }); $viewsForViewPaths = collect($fileViewFinder->getPaths()) ->flatMap(fn (string $path) => $this->getViewsInPath($path, $extensions)); return $viewsForHints->merge($viewsForViewPaths)->toArray(); } /** * @param string $path * @param array $extensions * * @return array */ protected function getViewsInPath(string $path, array $extensions): array { $filePatterns = array_map(fn (string $extension) => "*.{$extension}", $extensions); $extensionsWithDots = array_map(fn (string $extension) => ".{$extension}", $extensions); $files = (new Finder()) ->in($path) ->files(); foreach ($filePatterns as $filePattern) { $files->name($filePattern); } $views = []; foreach ($files as $file) { if ($file instanceof SplFileInfo) { $view = $file->getRelativePathname(); $view = str_replace($extensionsWithDots, '', $view); $view = str_replace('/', '.', $view); $views[] = $view; } } return $views; } }